Sunday, May 08, 2005

happy mother's day to me

.....after a wonderful brunch out with all four of my kids, my future son-in-law and my husband.... some great gifts..... an afternoon snuggled under my comforter with my book.........a dinner made by my husband........ dishes washed by my 19 year old son.......I now have a puking kid!! Ahhh.........the essence of motherhood: that panicky cry from the other room....."moooommmmm!" Who gets the flu in May? Well, I guess us. Poor little guy. Now I need to re-think my school plans for tomorrow and I am supposed to be teaching a writing class. Oh well, isn't flexibilty the first thing we learn when we become mamas?
Happy Mother's Day to any moms who read this. It truly is a high calling.

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