Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Feeling sad and blue....

I am feeling sad and stressed tonight. Work has been beyond crazy, I had to take my boy to the doctor on my lunch break (with much grief from one of his teachers, with only 2 days left of school no less!). Fifty dollars worth of meds later, we have a diagnosis of extreme allergies and some reactive airway. Then, all week I have had this niggling feeling that one of our cats is sick and I asked my husband to take him to the vet after he got off work. He did, and found that he had a high temperature, was dehydrated, and needed blood work as well as some IV fluids and antibiotics. Another $300 gone! And we still don't know what is wrong with him as the blood work results won't be back until tomorrow morning. I have this other niggling feeling that it is something bad, and there will be no more $300 spent on him...I think Kerry will insist on having him put under....sigh....I know in the big scheme of life this is a small thing. I think having it all pile up when I am tired and stressed just has pushed me over the edge. I guess I will take a shower and try to have a good cry.


Karen said...

I hope you had yourself a good cry! And follow it up with doing something nice for yourself. It sounds like a lot of stress to have piled on the last week of school. Isn't that the way it is sometimes? Hope you are surprised and things turn out okay for the kitty. And, I hope your son is feeling better:)

Joyful Days said...

Prayers Kim. May today be filled with blessings.

Sarah said...

Praying for you and everyone. :( I love Ollie, that's so scary. Let me know what happens.