Sunday, December 02, 2007

Picture Meme

Saw this fun meme over at Annie's blog and thought I would give it a try!
Here's the deal. Type the answer to each question into a Google image search, and then pick an image from the first page of results.

1. Age at next birthday... (in 3 weeks!)

2. place I'd like to travel...

3. favorite place...

4. favorite objects...

5. favorite food...

6. favorite color...

7. nickname...

8. place you were born...

Tag. You're it!

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Annie said...

Fun answers! Love your nickname :o)!

Karen said...

This looks like a lot of fun. I've have to give it a try. BTW, I'm "Sweetie" too:)

How are you doing weather-wise up there? There were some pretty scarey pictures on the news tonight of floods in the northwest. Hope your family is safe and dry!