Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Trying to grow old gracefully here....

...but my body is not cooperating! I have been dealing with a couple of health issues over the past couple of months and it is starting to wear me down. I don't feel like a very fun mommy anymore. Between work and then work at home, aka: cleaning and laundry and cooking, I just don't have a ton of energy left over. I am 45 years old and I own a pill cutter!!!! Nothing screams old to me more than seeing that little box with a blade sitting on my bathroom counter. My husband is 6 years older than me and he takes NO pills. I, on the other hand, am on 4 different prescriptions.

And yes, I even own one of these: I have an appointment tomorrow with a GI doctor. Three weeks ago I saw my cardiologist who is great and I adore) and two weeks ago I saw a surgeon (who I heard is great and who I did NOT adore). Friday I see a pulmonologist for an xray, breathing function test and consultation. What I find most frustrating about all these appointments is that the symptom driving me to distraction is a.... cough! Yes, a measly, annoying cough is driving me to all these specialists because no one can seem to figure out what is going on. I am trying to trust God in this--but the bottom line is, I want answers and I want a cure! So instead of being a tired worried mommy, I can be a fun mommy again.....