Monday, September 03, 2007

I have been tagged!

Annie tagged me for this meme--here is my attempt at completing it!

It’s very simple. When this is passed on to you, copy the whole thing, skim the list and put a * star beside those that you like. (Check out especially the * starred ones.)

Add the next number (1. 2. 3. 4. 5., etc.) and write your own blogging tip for other bloggers. Try to make your tip general.

After that, tag 10 other people. Link love some friends!

Just think- if 10 people start this, the 10 people pass it onto another 10 people, you have 100 links already!

1. Look, read, and learn. **

2. Be, EXCELLENT to each other. ***

3. Don’t let money change ya! *

4. Always reply to your comments. ***********

5. Link liberally — it keeps you and your friends afloat in the Sea of Technorati. *****

6. Don’t give up - persistence is fertile. **

7. Give link credit where credit is due. *********

8. Pictures say a thousand words and can usually add to any post. ******

9. Visit all the bloggers that leave comments for you - it’s nice to know who is reading! *******

10. Make a blogger template unique: change the background colour, or add a background picture to your header. *

11. Write positively even if the situation is seemingly negative — spread joy and not gloom. You can do it!**

12. When you find something that interests you, write about it. Sharing yourself with others is one of the best things about blogging.**

13. Start draft posts to capture ideas for future posts, so you don’t lose track of them.

14. Be helpful to new bloggers. Remember when you first started blogging and didn’t know how to post a link? Or was that just me?****

15. If you have a question about blogging, don’t be shy, go ahead and ask. There are so many bloggers happy to give you help if you need it.*

16. Remember that blogging is a community - don’t be afraid to comment on the blogs you read. Reach out and make new friends, you’ll be glad you did!

17. Try to blog daily, this is the only way to build up a “cyber following”*

18. Check that box on your profile so your bloggy buddies can reply by email to your comments, it makes life so much easier... and by all means PLEASE make your profile public so when you click on your name it doesn't say profile not available. There's no way to reply to you or visit you when you aren't public!*

19. When commenting on someone's blog, be gentle and encouraging. Remember, there is a real live person on the other side of that blog you visit!

I tag: Stacey, Karen, Bridget, Sarah, Lucy (an ordinary mom), Kelli and Barb.

I don't feel I know 10 bloggers well enough to tag them--I am still new to the blogging world and am small potatoes! :)

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Annie said...

I liked and completely agree with the advice you gave!

Barb said...

Thank you, Kim. I haven't seen this one yet!

I'm sooooo far behind but I will get to this. This is very interesting.

And by the way, makes no difference how new you are. Potaytoes. Potahtoes. No such thing as small potatoes.

You're off to a great start! :-)