Monday, July 07, 2008

Monday Morning MeMe is hosted by write from karen.

1. What is your blog about? How long have you been blogging? Why did you begin blogging? Is it the same reason that you continue to blog today? How has your blog changed over the time you’ve had it? In six words, sum up your blog.
* My blog is about my family, mostly.
* I have been regularly blogging for a little over a year ago.
* I began blogging to serve as a diary of sorts. I have always wanted to keep a journal, but the
physical act of writing isn't as fun or fast as typing on the computer.
* My blogs purpose is the same, but I have learned to be a bit more fancy with formatting,
uploading pictures, and maintaining a sidebar!
* Our family's adventures, exciting and mundane, recorded for all time!

2. When you go for a haircut, do you do something drastic? Or are you more of a ‘just a trim’ sort of person? Do you color your hair? If so, how often? Tell us about your best, and worst, hairstyle. What sort of hairsyle do you think looks good on you now?
* I did not get a professional haircut for almost 15 years--my husband just would trim and cut it
for me. Consequently, I had the same style all that time---one length with bangs, which I
curled by sleeping on pink rollers each night. For about 5 years I would just pull it up in a high
pony each day.
* I got my hair cut right before Mother's Day at a spa and it WAS drastic! I love it!!
* I do not color my hair--I am proud of my gray!
* My worst hair style would be the short little perm I had when I was in highschool.
* My best is what I have now!

3. Tell us about your 4th of July celebration. Show us some pictures (if you have them). What did your family do? Did you go and see a big fireworks display? Or did you stay home and have a (semi) quiet family fireworks celebration? On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best), how patriotic would you say you are? Do you routinely talk about our country’s issues within your family unit? Do you and your significant other see eye-to-eye on political issues? International friends: tell us how you celebrate your country’s birthday/new year/significant annual event.
* I posted about our fourth here.
* I would rate my patriotism at a 9!
* Kerry and I talke about issues on a regular basis-although he knows more than I do as he
listens to several different talk radio shows. We usually see eye-to eye but not always.

4. If you only had enough time each day to read one section of the newspaper, which section would you read? Why this particular section?
* I would read the comics and the ads.
* I don't like the local newspapers reporting style--it is very liberally biased and it kind of makes
me sick.

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gail@more than a song said...

How fun to get a drastic hair cut! I'm not usually that bold, mine mostly gets trimmed.
I get a newspaper and skim it but probably should cancel it..I get tired of all the liberal media stuff.

Nancy Face said...

I LOVE haircolor! I always say if there was only one bottle of haircolor left on the face of the earth, it would be MINE, tee hee! :)

Your newspaper sounds like ours...UGH! :P

Joyful Days said...

You are so brave going with a drastic cut. But I am determined to leave my hair long!! I am going to be one of those old ladies with silver hair in a bun with Chinese sticks pushed in for decoration. Hubby trims mine, too. I gave up coloring my hair about a year ago.



Anonymous said...

I think, what is it — a lie.

Anonymous said...

I can not participate now in discussion - it is very occupied. But I will return - I will necessarily write that I think on this question.