Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday musings

1. Do you ever change the ring tone on your phone? What is your current ring tone? What cell phone service do you use now? Are you happy with said service? What sort of phone do you have? Are you happy with your phone? How often do you use your cell phone in a 24-hour period?

*I never change the ring tone myself--my boys are always messing with my phone and changing the rings and pictures! Drives me crazy sometimes.

*I have just pre-set rings--downloading songs is not all that important to me.

*We use Verizon and have always been extremely satisfied. Friends of mine have T-Mobile and the areas of service for them here are more limited than with Verizon.

*I have some fancy Verizon flat phone and I am mostly happy with it except that next time I am getting one with raised keys--I don't like the flat surface as my fingers slip off them.

*I use my phone quite a bit off and on throughout the day. All of us but the 12 year old have phones--even my married daughter and son-in-law have Verizon--so it is in network free minutes all the time. Sam will be getting a phone when we are eligible for new ones this fall--we told him once he was in middle school he would get one! We are considering getting rid of our land line and going totally cellular!

2. The year is half over (can you believe it?!) - think back, where were you at midnight, when it became 2008? If you made goals for ‘08, what were they and have you met them? What would you like to accomplish before ‘08 is over? Tell us ONE thing you absolutely MUST have done before the year is out.

* I was in my family room with my little family around, drinking champagne and watching the firework show at the Space Needle bomb! (they had a computer problems and it threw the whole show into chaos). Right before midnight we were playing wii sports.

*I am not a goal maker anymore--I think I finally quit when I realized that I never met my expectations!

*One thing I would personally like to accomplish is to complete all my book challenges on time! :)

3. It’s Saturday – are you going to lounge around the house and be sloppy? Or are you going to be social and run errands and catch up with friends? Sloppy or social?

*There is usually no time to lounge around and be sloppy. I take the boys to music lessons--although in 2 weeks I anticipate that Austen will have his drivers license and he can take them! Yahoo!! Then I can sleep in a little later or lounge around a bit with coffee, dressed in my jammies, reading or on the computer! I usually try to get my errands done on Saturday, especially grocery shopping for the week, so my Sunday can be more relaxing and around the house kind of stuff.

*I do the social thing on Saturday sometimes too though. I try to have coffee with my best friend at least 2 times a month.

4. If you could live one day in the life of your favorite TV character, who would it be and why?

*I don't really have have a current favorite t.v. character--but I think it would be a blast being Lucy from I Love Lucy--but just for a day. I am not sure I could handle the stress and embarrassement she suffered on a daily basis! :)

Oh--I would also maybe like to be Carol Brady too--havaing a housekeeper and all our family problems resolved so nicely and quickly would be great!

Visit Karen at Write From Karen to play along with this Monday meme!

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1 comment:

Karen said...

My kids sometimes change my ringtone on me without my knowing. Then, the phone rings and I'm ignoring it and look like an idiot. I think they derive great pleasure out of making me look silly. The stinkers.