Saturday, September 13, 2008


You know you have one.
Everyone does.
It's that pesky corner/counter top/desk/ect... which collects stuff.
In my house, it is this little corner on my counter and it mostly collects paper stuff:
School and baseball pictures.
Bank Books.
Report Cards.
School newsletters.
Permission Slips.
Tax stuff.
And the list goes on an on and on.

Here is my nasty little counter this afternoon:

Here it is tonight:

Ahh....sigh...that feels so much better!

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Karen said...

It looks great! My counter looks just like yours (before!), and the after is what I strive for -- electric pencil sharpener, framed photo, pencil holder and all (we must be twins:)

Joyful Days said...

I'm impressed. Mine is my kitchen table!! I'm in serious need of a purge of "stuff."

gail@more than a song said...

It looks great! I have an area like that, in fact I have more than one...I need to get motivated!