Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Special moments.......

The hostess of Time Travel Tuesday, Annie, writes:

We're traveling back to the most special moment over Christmas... was there a time that you had to bite your lip not to tear up? Did someone do something so kind it was moving, or maybe just finding that special thing your kiddo wanted really bad... maybe a church service you attended?

We had a very blessed and wonderful Christmas this year. There were many sweet moments that made my heart swell with thankfulness for the life that God has blessed me with--a kind, gentle, hard working husband, 4 great kids, a comfy (if not a bit small at times) home, a great job (given right when I needed one) and the knowledge that I am saved by grace by a Father who loves us all more than can be imagined.

My happiest moment came when my boys opened this! (we hunted for a week to find one)

My heart was overwhelmed with mommy love and pride moment:

My heart is going to break because of mommy love moment:
Shortly after this picture was taken, it was Sam's turn to read his little reading. We have a tradition before presents are opened on Christmas Eve--(presents from Grandma and Grandpa) each person shares a little Christmas reading--a poem, a funny article from the paper or a magazine or a small short story and then picks a Christmas carol from the song books my mom brings each year. Sam's reading is next to him on the floor in the picture above--The Night Before Christmas--He sat up straight and tall and began to read. After about 4 pages it became apparent that he was struggling to get through it, it wasn't going to resolve itself and he was becoming quite stressed. You see, my little guy, Samuel, is a stutterer. Not all the time though--stuttering seems to make an appearance in Sam's life every few years, generally during a time of developmental changes. Sam is on the cusp of adolescence so it just follows that the stuttering would return. It has been progressively getting worse the whole month of December. The problem this time around is that for the first time in his life he is embarrassed by it. Daddy rescued him, and took over the reading, but not in time to save Sam from dissolving into sobs. I thought my heart would break.

One of the things I will be praying for is for speech therapy to be covered by insurance where I work. Sam received services from the age of 2-9 at a clinic within our hmo network. The problem is we are limited by locations and none of the 3 covered are close to us. Not a problem when I was a stay at home mom--now an hour drive each way when I work full time is a problem...AND I work in a therapy clinic 1o minutes from home. Very rarely does this hmo grant approval for services rendered outside its network--he has a speech eval at the old clinic the middle of January and then I can take my appeal to the 2nd level--level 1 has already been denied.

Anyway--sorry to ramble--to end on a happy note I will post a happy picture:

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Karen said...

Oh, Kim, what a sweet boy your Sam is. My heart just aches for him and for you as a mom. I will pray that God will soften the hearts of the hmo people and that Sam can resume therapy in a place that is convenient and do-able for you!

Loved the pictures of your boys. You have a talent for capturing the happiness that just glows. What a wonderful family!

I'll e-mail you with my plans for our visit up there.

Annie said...

I'll be praying too Kim.

gail@more than a song said...

I love all your Christmas pics in this post and another one below! Sounds like a lovely Christmas and great family time...I love the traditions and things y'all do....and how sweet your son Sam sounds, hope everything goes well for you there.

Joyful Days said...

Praying, Kim!!